Sunday, October 31, 2021

Climate Justice Politics: some notes

#ClimateJustice politics is, I quote, "in opposition to a failing capitalist system [do you mean an allocation system?/ whatareyougoingtodoinstead?], recognising that such a system is racist, patriarchal, exploitative [yes, but who please is trying to do what? (and who is faking?), mmm, i wonder. And so, please, what is it like in your country / home?] and driven by a logic of imperial ecocide [is it that, in small measure surely, but in extremely large portion it is driven by "it will feed my .." (see below)?]. Through this recognition, climate justice asserts that the victims of capitalism’s oppressions are not going to pay the cost for more of the same."

[This is, in fact AFAICT, a libellous #BlameSomebodyElse / #BlameTheOTHER incitement. As you are (deceived, i imagine) into a #StartAWar strategy. Of someone else, who? While blaming someone else is great to rally the #troops, I suggest it does nothing that will help or address the v v real #problems.]

Development, and Resource Exploitation, Selling or/and Making things, arises from?

  • - it will feed my family?
  • - it will pay my pension?
  • - it will make me rich?


  • - 380 million tonnes of humans,
  • - 470 million tonnes of cattle/like,
  • - 140 million tonnes of pigs,
  • - 110 million tonnes of sheep/horse/etc,
  • - 50 million tonnes of wild mammals,


"Climate Justice Politics will be": [it is hoped?]

  • #democratic
  • #indigenous
  • #spiritual
  • #africanist
  • #popular
  • #consciousness to "new" reality
  • #solidarity struggles

Which will give the "programmatic mandate", "role", and "orientation", "from the masses" ~ [but whatifwedon'tknow?, or maybe .. ifwedontlike?], being the "social forces" leading to -> "programmatic + mass-based transformation". Which is the "alternative to techno-fixes (nuclear/market)".

"Climate Justice Politics is against":

  • NOT !Monopoly [why?: this sounds like you feel "markets" (competing sellers) are sometimes helpful? otherwise this is internally incoherent]
  • NOT !ecocidal [yes: we are all wilfully blind, in the extreme, to anything other than own interests, as in ".. it will pay my / etc .."]
  • NOT !transnational [bethlehem/bao/peabody?; & demand = i will pay a lot for ../ + #insist and go into #incandescent rage if i don't get it (mmm.. unhh-ohhh!?)]

Some people, I quote, "occlude systemic understandings" [yes indeed: abuse..hurt..deaththreats..murderedfriendsrelatives..+..not-reply/dont-answer] ..who? ..why?

"a Radical Transformation is required in": [yes, absolutely]

  • - energy
  • - production
  • - consumption
  • - everyday life

That is "-> #systemic-reforms, in just #deeptransformation"

"Using, through":

  • #commons
  • #zerowaste [humans, how much waste is intentional, by either consumers or manufacturers? vs incentivised by profit (pay-the-bills/imperative?)]
  • #nationalized-utils [= monopolies (in a way!); what will they try to do?]
  • #democratic-planning [nimby; status-quo-bias; myopia; distractions; appealing-fantasy's (like this); liars/defectors/cheats (incentives/rewards?)]
  • #participatory-budget [experience/tests: bello horizon? above? / .. i'm not sure]

"Not the following, which are failed strategies":

  • #greenparty
  • #state
  • #party

"Based on":

  • - democracy
  • - values
  • - coops
  • - education / openscience
  • ..
  • - food sovereign
  • - public ownership/coops [what are they trying to do?]
  • - UBI [everybody? .. mmm?]

[it has to be ... ?]

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