Theft of cars by youth of the First Nation (indigenous people) was a persistent social feature of life in Western Australia when I lived there. On one occasion, I found I could not drive to work on my first day, as the car had been stolen. They are easy to steal, as you sell more cars that way - and so get a better RoI / salary / working conditions from $GM (errm, this is a perverse incentive: why no action?). The young people (indigenous) who stole it were caught by the police and prosecuted (and fined AU$50, if I remember, if it was paid, if they could pay it), and I got the car back with some good beach towels in it. They must have been going to the beach.
A friend's much smarter large car was stolen (by local indigenous youths) for such "joy-riding" that the gearbox later burnt out.
At one time in Perth some police were believed to have been assassinating (mostly indigenous) joy-riders, by contriving high-speed chases such that the youth indulging in the chase with police crashed. They did not wear seatbelts. Some police also died while car racing (once when racing from the beach to King's Park, in amazing time but sadly hit a tree, the car broke in half).
Some white male's with extremely limited cognitive capacity, like others, do the same and spend lengthy periods in jail. Only to steal vehicles again and again on release. (In cases reported by #ABCradio).
Why do they steal cars? What "meaning", "identity" and "satisfaction" do they get from it: adverts (and "placement" eg Rebel Without A Cause (James Dean)); instincts (for autonomy, capability, status); peers; leaders (role models)?
A cultural practice, known as "Bog Lapping", may also be noteworthy, among (mostly young) men - often of minority ethnic background and the industrial workforce (could i venture "working class", as as far as I know it was not an elite* practice). In which the males drove slowly around and around the block in front of cafe's in the port of Fremantle and Kwinana. In "sporty" (embellished) cars that were often very loud, powerful, and fairly fast (within of course the constraints, of a primates reaction time, and motor-coordination abilities). Sometimes accompanied by young ladies, and-or getting their attention.
Panel vans with a 'bed' fitted in the rear, were very popular among the same in Hobart at one time. A symbol of great status (and mating opportunity, one might venture).
It may be of interest that "bog lapping" (and all similar, or details) is a PROSCRIBED search term (for which "DogFood" results are returned), about which no information - a complete blank in terms of knowledge - is returned (to me?), for some reason. Why, who (cosy auto corruption, maybe)?
* The elite seem to indulge in #spaceflight and #gulfstream (?) "fantasies"
#Solidarity with the #men of #StanmoreHouse
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