Sunday, August 18, 2024

Blog Topics - that I hope to get written:

  • CO2 measurement methodologies (chemical - eg titration with CaCl2; light-spectra IR absorbance)
  • a CO2 budget (accounts and data) and greenhouse calculations (observed temperatures; and added insolation at surface in kW/m^2)
  • The classical equations that relate
    - vapour densities
    - moisture content
    - air pressure (at sea-lev)
    - temperature (etc)
  • Principles for determining the Nature and Origin of plant products/etc, such as foods
    - microscopy
    - weights/allometry
    - physical properties (spectra of emissions or absorbance; strength; fracture; melting; etc)
  • How your pennies can add up to more in the economy
  • Interesting advances in sensors and physics (since my studies in the early 80's and mid 90's); perhaps.
  • About GM and PCR, relating to the mutation work I did (acknowledged by NFitzgerald then D.G. in his book, 2010 I believe); perhaps.
  • Self Help Guide/s for Product Quality and Consumer / Law
  • Principles and outcomes in Education and Customer Feedback [to be discussed and confirmed / t.b.c.] - esp. in Farming

Holidays for followup on "Training and Quality"

Are the people you are working for overrun by mad/ mis-guided/or mistaken complainants (whose IT often works remarkably well?)

What is in the "terms and conditions", for web / internet (eg of the accounting professional bodies)?
Is their IT disrupted?

visit the HQ
visit the plant
visit the distributors/warehouses/logistics hubs
say hello to drivers/and contractors
visit distant outlets

if they are able to:

talk to reception
talk to security
talk to drivers/logistics/operators
talk to customers
talk to neighbours
talk to staff

- what do those people look like (eg in terms of behaviour/ interpersonal conduct/ and relations)?
- how do they act?
- what do those people do?
- if you try to send a query, eg to top management, how is it treated / and what happens?

Presumably following the lovely online custormer experience, has someone driven their own SUV into the pedestrian access gate - a steel replacement one, of very high spec - to says "thanks so much"? /etc

- if it all seems to turn into threats and a windup
- and they seem to be trying to trap you

 - - - - - - - - THEN: wot is going on .. .. ??

some companies who could lift their game (maybe?)/hello:
in online customer (or more aptly victim**?) "service"

who tell things like:
- "every [penny pinched] helps" (especially if you take it from someone else?) or "at no extra cost" (to whom, the world or everything?)
- or, to solve climate suggest: "if you can afford - an electric car / suv, and solar panels" - and "if do 15 minutes on a survey/happy and agreeable activity"
- or (milspec), "do-as-i-say-or-i-will-shoot-you"

Do they use PORN type imagery? IE Things that v v attention getting and manipulative** of humans, but that are harmful, tend to be illegal, or are exploitive?
Or are they forced to do the above, by the exigencies (that is: if the customer buys it from someone else (not from you), then ... what ... ?) of commercial competition?

- is the company plagued by [~people who hurt the company~]?
- are the staff almost all nasty and unhappy?

** Hamsters mostly find running wheels more agreeable than sitting around in their cage (however, given the choice between their cage and nature (where there are *cats*), my impression is they choose nature, as for them it's much nicer). People find scrolling in social media (which is often only "virtually" true) the same.
VR replacement kids/or digital twins.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Insects - Atmospheric Pesticide Levels - query for data

Insect population declines, are widely reported. And seem obvious on windscreens, here in the UK, and DK. Also reports from far away places, eg Africa seeing declines.

So, a question: "Could the level of insecticides, in the global atmosphere, have achieved gas concentration that is enough to harm/impair/or even kill insects?"

Insecticides such as I wonder, the nerve agents (some quite persistent) with high vapour pressure and hugely toxic to insects (in synthetic pyrethroids; pyrethrins; and organophosphates such as malathion; parathion; dichlorvos; carbamates; phosphine). Or even, perhaps, in neo-nicotinoids (#NEONICS).

A kind colleague, in Cambridge, who measures trace gases thought it was improbable. And observed that it would require (o-o-m) a sample of 200 litres, accumulated by a liquid N2 cold trap, and would be messy/tricky to to get the measurement. So I thought no more.

The marvels of GC-MS, and the ppb levels that might be detected/enumerated, in the sample trapped from 200l would be a possibly interesting exercise. And maybe valuable?

However, other chemicals have achieved rather damaging levels in the atmosphere (and in oceans). One notably caused a large "ozone hole" over Antarctica. And, one might observe, in the days of cold war #MAD there were diagrams of vapour trails across Europe/Eurasia from chemical warfare. But it did not occur to the author, apparently, that actually and inevitably the many 500km-800km "vapour trails" he drew would simply merge, and gas everyone. There might be, on further reflection, similar misappreciations today?

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Climate Justice Politics: some notes

#ClimateJustice politics is, I quote, "in opposition to a failing capitalist system [do you mean an allocation system?/ whatareyougoingtodoinstead?], recognising that such a system is racist, patriarchal, exploitative [yes, but who please is trying to do what? (and who is faking?), mmm, i wonder. And so, please, what is it like in your country / home?] and driven by a logic of imperial ecocide [is it that, in small measure surely, but in extremely large portion it is driven by "it will feed my .." (see below)?]. Through this recognition, climate justice asserts that the victims of capitalism’s oppressions are not going to pay the cost for more of the same."

[This is, in fact AFAICT, a libellous #BlameSomebodyElse / #BlameTheOTHER incitement. As you are (deceived, i imagine) into a #StartAWar strategy. Of someone else, who? While blaming someone else is great to rally the #troops, I suggest it does nothing that will help or address the v v real #problems.]

Development, and Resource Exploitation, Selling or/and Making things, arises from?

  • - it will feed my family?
  • - it will pay my pension?
  • - it will make me rich?


  • - 380 million tonnes of humans,
  • - 470 million tonnes of cattle/like,
  • - 140 million tonnes of pigs,
  • - 110 million tonnes of sheep/horse/etc,
  • - 50 million tonnes of wild mammals,


"Climate Justice Politics will be": [it is hoped?]

  • #democratic
  • #indigenous
  • #spiritual
  • #africanist
  • #popular
  • #consciousness to "new" reality
  • #solidarity struggles

Which will give the "programmatic mandate", "role", and "orientation", "from the masses" ~ [but whatifwedon'tknow?, or maybe .. ifwedontlike?], being the "social forces" leading to -> "programmatic + mass-based transformation". Which is the "alternative to techno-fixes (nuclear/market)".

"Climate Justice Politics is against":

  • NOT !Monopoly [why?: this sounds like you feel "markets" (competing sellers) are sometimes helpful? otherwise this is internally incoherent]
  • NOT !ecocidal [yes: we are all wilfully blind, in the extreme, to anything other than own interests, as in ".. it will pay my / etc .."]
  • NOT !transnational [bethlehem/bao/peabody?; & demand = i will pay a lot for ../ + #insist and go into #incandescent rage if i don't get it (mmm.. unhh-ohhh!?)]

Some people, I quote, "occlude systemic understandings" [yes indeed: abuse..hurt..deaththreats..murderedfriendsrelatives..+..not-reply/dont-answer] ..who? ..why?

"a Radical Transformation is required in": [yes, absolutely]

  • - energy
  • - production
  • - consumption
  • - everyday life

That is "-> #systemic-reforms, in just #deeptransformation"

"Using, through":

  • #commons
  • #zerowaste [humans, how much waste is intentional, by either consumers or manufacturers? vs incentivised by profit (pay-the-bills/imperative?)]
  • #nationalized-utils [= monopolies (in a way!); what will they try to do?]
  • #democratic-planning [nimby; status-quo-bias; myopia; distractions; appealing-fantasy's (like this); liars/defectors/cheats (incentives/rewards?)]
  • #participatory-budget [experience/tests: bello horizon? above? / .. i'm not sure]

"Not the following, which are failed strategies":

  • #greenparty
  • #state
  • #party

"Based on":

  • - democracy
  • - values
  • - coops
  • - education / openscience
  • ..
  • - food sovereign
  • - public ownership/coops [what are they trying to do?]
  • - UBI [everybody? .. mmm?]

[it has to be ... ?]

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Why would indigenous youth steal CARS?

Theft of cars by youth of the First Nation (indigenous people) was a persistent social feature of life in Western Australia when I lived there. On one occasion, I found I could not drive to work on my first day, as the car had been stolen. They are easy to steal, as you sell more cars that way - and so get a better RoI / salary / working conditions from $GM (errm, this is a perverse incentive: why no action?). The young people (indigenous) who stole it were caught by the police and prosecuted (and fined AU$50, if I remember, if it was paid, if they could pay it), and I got the car back with some good beach towels in it. They must have been going to the beach.

A friend's much smarter large car was stolen (by local indigenous youths) for such "joy-riding" that the gearbox later burnt out.

At one time in Perth some police were believed to have been assassinating (mostly indigenous) joy-riders, by contriving high-speed chases such that the youth indulging in the chase with police crashed. They did not wear seatbelts. Some police also died while car racing (once when racing from the beach to King's Park, in amazing time but sadly hit a tree, the car broke in half).

Some white male's with extremely limited cognitive capacity, like others, do the same and spend lengthy periods in jail. Only to steal vehicles again and again on release. (In cases reported by #ABCradio).

Why do they steal cars? What "meaning", "identity" and "satisfaction" do they get from it: adverts (and "placement" eg Rebel Without A Cause (James Dean)); instincts (for autonomy, capability, status); peers; leaders (role models)?

A cultural practice, known as "Bog Lapping", may also be noteworthy, among (mostly young) men - often of minority ethnic background and the industrial workforce (could i venture "working class", as as far as I know it was not an elite* practice). In which the males drove slowly around and around the block in front of cafe's in the port of Fremantle and Kwinana. In "sporty" (embellished) cars that were often very loud, powerful, and fairly fast (within of course the constraints, of a primates reaction time, and motor-coordination abilities). Sometimes accompanied by young ladies, and-or getting their attention.

Panel vans with a 'bed' fitted in the rear, were very popular among the same in Hobart at one time. A symbol of great status (and mating opportunity, one might venture).

It may be of interest that "bog lapping" (and all similar, or details) is a PROSCRIBED search term (for which "DogFood" results are returned), about which no information - a complete blank in terms of knowledge - is returned (to me?), for some reason. Why, who (cosy auto corruption, maybe)?

* The elite seem to indulge in #spaceflight and #gulfstream (?) "fantasies"

#Solidarity with the #men of #StanmoreHouse

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Families: Relatives and Joys

Some observations:

In 1999 my mother, because she viewed what I had been doing negatively and because she thought (?) that the following would 'help' or 'correct' it, punched me hard with a clenched fist on the chest - repeatedly. So I restrained her by grabbing her wrists forcefully. Which bruised them. She reported this.

  • So I became classified as a "VIOLENT" offender

Which led to [things]


When my sister died (of the same cancer that got John McCain), in an argument over payments/getting-money/for-who/etc, my mother kicked my father (violently) on the shins.

  • The steeley-eyed MacMillan nurses (witnesses) advised him to report it and prosecute her
  • Many years later, when my mother punched me again repeatedly and bit me (drawing blood), I really hurt her (wounded a foot/brokebones-or-toretendons), saying "you think violence is funny?"

In great desperation, and in great indignation, a while back, needing a somewhere to live my mother said:

  • "I wish I had had an #abortion when I had you!!!"
  • She really meant it. And was spitting in anger. (But not violent. ... mmm?).

Mercifully she later found a nice flat, as she/I/and my-Elders all had agreed would be best.

Almost every one of the sad-and-serious arguments/fights/resentment/righteous-indignation and not-speaking/disowning among the family have been about money/resources.


My sister, with terminal cancer, became distressed at one point and felt she should "have the right" to kill herself (or be able to pay/comission someone to kill her). She got very impassioned about the "right to die", and wrote a fiery piece, which was published in the THES. However, the assisted suicide was not permitted (at the time?), and afterwards she actually took (used/accepted/and-demanded) every single treatment option/possibility that existed at the time (including a brain surgery), and had 3 years of a really high quality (including sailing on yacht to Majorca). After she died, I wrote a little article "by-the-way: she took all the cures/and had 'very happy years of life', after all those things she'd said about her (and the) 'right-to-die'" but the THES editor chose not to publish it. He did not even reply to me, so I said he was just a "murdering bum". #WDYR?


When I was a teenager, after [X] I came to think it would be fun/good to have sex (rape) another sister. Mercifully, a little observation someone commented to me entirely short-circuited (cancelled/ceased) this unfortunate intention.


A conversation could save all sorts of things, or even a life. SEE, SAY, SIGNPOST ... – it’s well worth talking about


My mom is very dear too me, and I #love her dearly, as she does me.

Just because "she said", or "they said", ... what?

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Planetary Boundaries versus Wasteful and Polluting Gratification

Although prices encourage producers to use less resources, and consumers (sometimes) to be frugal, business (markets / trade / commerce) rewards, favours and incentivises gratuitous (Lat.) consumption, addiction, gluttony, and the potlatch. So, some countries now “use” (?):

  • - 15 kg oil+gas/person/day & 275 million vehicles for 330 million people [usa]
  • - 8 kg coal/person/day _ 600 kg/steel/capita/year [cn]
  • - 3,550 air-passenger-km/person/year (causing 875 kgCO2eq/p/yr) [eu]
  • - 350 g of meat/person/day [many countries]
  • - 39 million vehicles for 28 million households [uk]
  • - and 100 g offal/person/day going to waste (afaik/bbc) [uk]
  • - 2,040 Watts of fossil energy consumed, for every person (of humans, whose maintenance body/metabolic energy requirement is 20-30 Watts) [globally in 2019]

People, all around the world, hope for these. (Especially because they are much promoted and marketed).

Commerce promotes (is #rewarded by) ever greater consumption (in excess and waste). That is mostly wasteful, destructive, and polluting. For example, in excess sports-vehicles/cars/airtravel/concrete/steel, excess meat/dairy, and other harmful & unnecessary gratification.

"Hi @JohnKerry / #XiJinping / @EUClimateAction and @NarendraModi with #WhatAreYouGoingToDoAboutThis?"

I would be very interested to hear your thoughts.


  • - growth 753 times
  • - but limits/constraints/cuts only around 100 times