Tuesday, October 10, 2017

You Cannot Do Anything? ... a query to StockholmResilience.org

Stiftelsen för miljöstrategisk forskning
Kund-id : LKH1365
FE 108

From M.A. Reader mar58@cam.ac.uk

Dear Kontakt - Mistra,

Please could you be so kind as to suggest why nobody, from the Stockholm Resilience Centre, replied to my polite enquiries.

I emailed to an officer, followed up, and then emailed to her manager.

But I received no response whatsoever.

Are they all
- paranoid?
- just plain unhelpful?
- free riders?
- too overwhelmed with emails?

I do not think that my question was very difficult. So it seems strange to me that nobody from the SRC responded.

Best wishes

Rural Business Unit
Department of Land Economy
University of Cambridge

To: xxxx@su.se
From: Mark A Reader mar58@cam.ac.uk
Subject: Fwd: [query] -- investment in communications

Dear xxxx

We share allied goals, and I respect the expertise of your institute, so I wrote to one of your colleagues, working on communications strategy. Asking for advice. However no response was received.

Perhaps you might like to comment, on how one person (with modest resources) can most effectively work for the public good? In communications and media.

Best wishes

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "M.A. Reader" mar58@cam.ac.uk
Subject: [query] -- investment in communications
To: yyyy@albaeco.com

Dear yyyy

I have a sum to invest each month in communications - for resilience, or for accident prevention.

Buying Eikon, for awareness and alerts, is one possibility. Or a subscription to the Gorkana media database is another possibility, for contacts.

And finally, I could do a paid campaign on Adwords, Twitter or LinkedIn - but I wonder how much cut-through I can achieve there.

Would you like to suggest which you think will be best?

Best wishes

Rural Business Unit
Department of Land Economy
University of Cambridge

+44 1223 337 163

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